Learn about using the web calendar.
Navigating through the Web Calendar
Working with Calendars
Working with Events
You can subscribe to user and group calendars in iCal. When you subscribe to calendars in iCal, the calendar stored in iCal is read-on...
You schedule timed events and all-day events in personal or group calendars. If you're viewing your personal calendar, you can invite ...
You can create multiple calendars for specific purposes. For example, you can have a calendar for work events and another calendar for...
When you view calendars, for each event you'll see the event summary and the time it's scheduled for. You can view or preview the even...
When you view events in a group calendar, you see a list of locations, note excerpts, dates, and starting times of upcoming events wit...
You can view more than one calendar at the same time. You can also view specific calendars.
The color of the checkbox next to a ...
You can send and receive event invitations while viewing your personal calendar. When you send an invitation, invitees are notified an...
You can easily reschedule events. If you reschedule a recurring event, you'll be asked if you want to change all occurrences of the ev...
You can rename existing calendars.
To rename an existing calendar:
While viewing a personal or group calend...
The web calendar includes several navigation buttons and a minicalendar that make it easy to navigate months or weeks, or to return to...
Timed events, such as meetings and appointments, take place during a specified period of time. You can create timed events in day view...
You can create or delete calendars. When you delete a calendar, you also delete all events in the calendar and decline any invitations...
Event notes are shown when someone previews the event.
To change event notes:
While viewing event details, ...
Event details include the name and location of the event and when it is scheduled.
To change event details:
The web calendar includes the following settings:
A calendar's color affects the background color of all events in that calendar. You can choose from six colors:
Users and groups can have web calendars. User web calendars let you schedule private events or send event invitations to other users. ...